Before heading out on the trails, we recommend you download the free HIKEArmenia app to browse dozens of trails all around the country, including GPS navigation that you can save for offline use, as well as local guides and guesthouses near the trails. You can even visit their info center in downtown Yerevan for free advice and hike planning.

Guardian of the Gorge
Location: Lori Province
Duration: 1 hours
Distance: 1.4 km
Rated: 5/5 stars

This short 1.4 km trail will take you to an isolated 10th century fortress located atop a ridge with fantastic views of the Debed Canyon. Kayan Fortress, also known as Dsevank, is a fortress and a former monastery located between the monasteries of Haghpat and Sanahin, UNESCO Heritage Sites. Of course, you’ll have to make your way to the northern Lori Province to hike this trail, but we think the views from the top are absolutely worth the drive. You can start your hike to the fortress from the trailhead, which you can find on the HIKEArmenia app, or you can combine it with the medium-difficulty World Heritage Trail, which connects Haghpat to Sanahin monastery.

Oh Dam!
Location: Aragatsotn Province
Duration: 3.5 hours
Distance: 6.5 km
Rated: 5/5 stars

Located just a little over an hour away from Yerevan, the Oh Dam! Trail will take you around the Aparan Reservoir, an idyllic destination in the Armenian countryside surrounded by forests and fields. There are several church and village ruins surrounding the reservoir, but the real draw here is the nature. In the summertime, you can expect wildflower blooms all around the reservoir, in the fields and forests, with awesome views of Mt. Aragats, Armenia’s highest peak, in the distance. Winter is also a great time to visit for a hike, especially if there’s a fresh layer of snow you can walk on. Don’t forget to rent snowshoes for your hike! Our friends at HIKEArmenia can help you find those and other hiking equipment for rent while in Armenia.

Angels’ Canyon Loop
Location: Ararat Province
Duration: 2.5 hours
Distance: 10.9 km
Rated: 5/5 stars

Also located about an hour’s drive away from Yerevan, the nature here is quite different from that of Oh Dam! Instead of forests and green fields, on this loop you’ll find dry, desert-like landscapes characterized by impressive rock formations. The most impressive of these formations is Angels’ Canyon, where this trail gets its name from. Though certainly not the biggest canyon in Armenia (its walls go up only a couple meters and it's quite short) it’s still very beautiful and unique. Its jagged red rocks give it a Martian-like feel, and it’s proximity to the Khosrov Forest State Reserve means there’s a variety of wildlife to see along the way, from the Armenian tortoise, which you may find putzing around your feet, to the steppe eagle soaring high above the ground. Do note that there is little to no tree cover on this trail, so definitely take a hat, sunscreen, and sunglasses on your hike, as that Ararat Valley sun can get really hot, especially in the summertime.

Old Bells of Goris
Location: Syunik Province
Duration: 1.5 hours
Distance: 4.2 km
Rated: 5/5 stars

If you find yourself in the southern town of Goris and looking for something to do, consider going on this easy hike, which starts right in the town and takes you to the top of a beautiful hill overlooking the town and offering excellent Syunik views. On the way, you’ll get up close and personal with an abandoned settlement made of up cave dwellings dating back at least to the 13th century. Up until the 20th century, there were still some 200 households carved into the cone-shaped rocks that families actually lived in.

Arch Trail
Location: Vayots Dzor Province
Duration: 2 hours
Distance: 5 km
Rated: 5/5 stars

This short trail takes you to arguably one of the most impressive geological sites in all of Armenia – the natural basalt rock arch near Gomk village. This massive rock arch is tucked away at the foot of a rocky mountain that can easily be missed, as it blends in with the surrounding boulders. But you’ll be glad you didn’t miss it if you spend some time in Vayots Dzor. There’s even a little stream that flows right underneath the arch, as if this spot couldn’t get more beautiful.

Photos: HIKEArmenia

By Kyle Khandikian