Three Hawks Loop
Location: Dilijan
Duration: 7 hours
Distance: 27 km
Rated: Unrated

You’d never think there was a trail that ascends the impressive cliffs near Hovk village in Dilijan National Park. But there is, and if you’re looking for a real challenge, this loop will take you up tight switchbacks to a meadow in the sky. Literally! It almost looks like something out of a science fiction movie. And the climb up is super fun as well. Some sections up have a gradient of 15% or more, and there’s one segment that’ll have you climbing with your hands up natural stone steps. If you hike in July, you can expect the way up, and the meadow at the top, to be carpeted in beautiful, multicolored wildflowers. If you’re looking for a place to stay overnight in Hovk village, check out 
Hovk Farms.

Old Bandit Road
Location: Vayots Dzor
Duration: 6 hours
Distance: 15.9 km
Rated: 5/5 stars

This hike is listed as medium on the HIKEArmenia app, but we would venture to say that it’s actually hard, due to its distance but especially depending on the direction you choose to take. Connecting the absolutely beautiful villages of Artavan and Gomk in the Vayots Dzor province, Old Bandit Road indeed does include sections of trail that used to be used by Silk Road bandits. Don’t worry though, they’re long gone, and traveling through Armenia is generally quite safe. If you start from Gomk, you’ll find yourself climbing up a steep set of part natural, part human-made stairs, which is the hardest part of this trail. If you start from Artavan, however, your climb up the mountain that separates the two villages will be easier. Either way, the view from the very top of the staircase, dubbed the Staircase to Heaven by our friends at HIKEArmenia, is absolutely stunning. If you do decide to hike this trail, definitely take the time to check out the 
natural basalt rock arch near Kapuyt village, a quick off-shoot from this trail that’s absolutely worth it.

Flowering Lake Loop
Location: Aghveran, Kotayk Province
Duration: 5 hours
Distance: 10.1 km
Rated: 4/5 stars

If you love wildflowers, you’re going to love this trail. Located not far from Yerevan, the Flowering Lake Loop, also known as the Aghveran Loop, takes you high up to Lake Tsaghkunyats, which literally means “flowering lake,” in Armenian. If you hike here in late May-early June, you’ll see just why. The hillsides going up to the lake are almost completely covered with multicolored wildflowers. It’s almost too beautiful to be real. We recommend taking a lunch and some coffee to enjoy by the lake once you get to the top. We also recommend going clockwise from the trailhead, and making your way up in that direction, rather than going counterclockwise. The hike up counterclockwise is quite steep, and you won’t get to enjoy the wildflowers as much while you huff and puff your way up.

Holy Cliff!
Location: Dilijan National Park
Duration: 8 hours
Distance: 24 km
Rated: 5/5 stars

This may be the most appropriately named trail on the HIKEArmenia app, because it’s two dozen kilometers of massive cliff walls that seemingly never end! They do end, of course, but when you’re rushing to hike the 24 kms of this trail before the sun sets, it definitely feels like they never end. Take our advice: start this trail early in the morning to enjoy it to the fullest and so you’re not chasing the sun. Definitely pack lots of water and food for your hike, and be prepared to take in some of the most impressive views and natural settings in all of Armenia. You will pass by some local shepherds who live above the cliffs during the spring and summer months with their herds of sheep and herding dogs. If the dogs bark at you, don’t be alarmed. Just calmly and slowly walk by at a distance. They will leave you alone, and the shepherds may just invite you for a cup of coffee atop the cliffs!

By Kyle Khandikian